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Tesla Berlin Gigafactory officially opens
Release time:2022-03-31 read:151次 share

On March 22nd, Germany time, a representative from JEE participated as one of the 30 external guests in the Tesla Berlin factory's first car offline event.


The first thirty buyers who participated in the event were lucky enough to receive the certificate from Elon Musk and receive fireworks as gifts, creating a sense of ceremony.


Seeing the first car being rolled off the assembly line and reflecting on the hard work and dedication of the past year, JEE is proud to participate in the construction of Tesla's Berlin factory. We will continue to make positive contributions to the transformation and innovation of new energy.


German Chancellor Scholz also visited the scene and mentioned in his speech that this is Germany's first all-electric vehicle factory and one of the few foreign car companies' factories. The German automotive industry is in need of more overseas competitors to promote the development of new energy vehicles. We will successfully achieve carbon neutrality and lead the transformation, and the future belongs to electric vehicles.


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